Here are your announcements for the coming week: Since we are doing more than usual in the office, we will not be sending out a card for the notice of the monthly meetings. You will get this notice in this weekly update. There will be no more cards sent out to...
Here are your announcements for the coming week: Brethren, since we are doing more than usual in the office, we will not be sending out a card for the notice of the monthly meetings. You will get this notice in this weekly update. There will be no more...
Here are your announcements for the coming week: The Waco Scottish Rite Bodies and Lee Lockwood Library and Museum offices will be closed from noon December 18, 2020 through January 4, 2021. The next Waco Scottish Rite Stated Meeting will be January 4 at 7:30pm. This...
This week’s announcements are largely the same as last weeks: Our annual “Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving” event in conjunction with Meals on Wheels will be Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26th) beginning at 7:30am, and should finish by 11:00am. This year we...
We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! Here are a few reminders for upcoming events: First, there will NOT be an Educational Zoom meeting this week. Due to COVID-19 we are needing to postpone, but we intend for the December Zoom call to take place as...