Welcome Back!

We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! Here are a few reminders for upcoming events:

First, there will NOT be an Educational Zoom meeting this week. Due to COVID-19 we are needing to postpone, but we intend for the December Zoom call to take place as scheduled.

Our annual “Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving” event in conjunction with Meals on Wheels will be Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26th) beginning at 7:30am, and should finish by 11:00am. This year we are expecting to provide a minimum of 550 meals for those in need. As usual, it will be downstairs in the Howard Ballroom at the Lee Lockwood Library and Museum. Per COVID-19 guidelines, face masks are required.

KWTX will be hosting their annual Food For Families on November 20 from 7:00am-8:00pm. They are looking for volunteers for two shifts: 7:00am-12:00pm and 12:00-8:00pm. They need people to wrap pallets and prepare food during each shift. If you are willing to help or have any questions, please contact Mike Waldrop or Stan Parker (stanltt@aol.com, 254-749-4934).

The next Waco Scottish Rite Stated Meeting will be December 7 at 7:30pm. This will be a regular stated meeting, with a meal at 6:30pm in the Library. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. COVID-19 guidelines will be in effect, so please bring a mask for the meeting.

Reminder: per the SGIG, meals can once again be served. We are required to follow all Covid-19 food guidelines.

For those who have paid 2019 and 2020 dues, you do not owe any dues.  For Endowed members and 50 year members, you do not owe any dues. For those who owe for 2020, the new date is December 15, 2020.  If you are in financial or have some health problems, please contact Mike Waldrop to discuss. 

2021 Reunions:

Saturday, March 27, 2021, Ballinger Masonic Lodge, 500 N. Broadway, Ballinger, TX
Saturday, May 15, 2021, Lee Lockwood Library & Museum, 2801 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX
Saturday, October 2, 2021, Clinton Masonic Lodge 477 Loop 571, Henderson, TX

Waco Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation

The Waco Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation has a Community Grant Program available. These grants are for any Scottish Rite Club, Lodge of Perfection, Masonic Lodge, or Eastern Star Chapter(s) community projects. If any of these organizations raise money for a community project (a project that helps those in a community) the WSRCF will match up to $2,500.

For any questions, please contact Mike Waldrop, 33° IGH:

(254) 752-1618 or (254) 640-9500
