Knights of St Andrew


Waco Knights of St. Andrew, Order of the Thistle

Waco KOSA Facebook Page

The Waco Knights of St. Andrew hold their monthly stated meeting on the fourth Monday in the Lodge Room at the Lee Lockwood Library and Museum, with a meal at 6:30 and the meeting starting at 7:00.  All Scottish Rite Masons are welcome to attend.  In addition the Thistle sponsors many events at the Waco Scottish Rite.  Please check the Valley calendar for the next event.

Membership in the Knights of St. Andrew is open to all 32° “black hat” Scottish Rite Masons. Click here to download a petition for membership.

Our Mission

The Knights of St. Andrew is an elite unit of Scottish Rite Masons.

The Knights of St. Andrew exist as a service organization on behalf of all members of their Consistory. They provide services wherever they are needed. This includes, but not limited to, aiding the Tylers, acting as greeters, providing escort services for dignitaries or for special events created for the ladies during reunions or other functions, serving as guides, assisting the Scottish degree work, and helping present the Colors. Knights of St. Andrew also assist in the calling of committees, participate in parades or civic activities, promote fund-raising events, and aid in any special event.

Their flexibility and enthusiasm make the Knights of St. Andrew one of the Valley’s most active and desirable organizations. It is an excellent way to nurture and develop future leaders as they learn their organizational and leadership skills, explore the inner structures of their Scottish Rite Centers, and thus gain a deeper admiration for our Order and Brethren who work in Freemasonry as a whole.

The 29th Degree, Knight of St. Andrew, transitions from the 28th Degree to the 30th Degree. Within this transition are found many lessons, teaching us reverence and obedience to the Deity, the service of Truth, the practice of Virtue and Innocence; and also to battle for Truth and Right, Free Speech, and Free Thought; and in this to defend the people against tyranny. The Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew takes these lessons to heart and thus the qualities of Charity, Clemency, and Generosity prevail; all of this brought about by Humanity, Patience, and Self-Denial. As Scottish Knights of Saint Andrew, we find Honor and Chivalry in this position. The Knights of Saint Andrew are designed to place these lessons into action.

This Order, consisting of 32° Scottish Rite Masons, is dedicated to the service of the Valley of Waco and its leadership.

2020 Officers

  • Venerable Master:      Sam Moody
  • Prior:                            TJ Zawacki
  • Preceptor:                   Ray Young
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Zepp
  • Bailiff:
  • Marshall:                     Don Hardman
  • Sentinel:                       Shen Thornton
  • Orator:
  • Prelate/Chaplain:     Leroy Forbes