Widows and Wives Program


The broken column on the widows’ pin recalls the memory of a fallen, departed brother.

The inspiration for the Widows and Wives Program at the Waco Scottish Rite, according to Sonny Juarez, 32⁰ KCCH, is intrinsic to our identity as Masons: “When we took our obligations as Masons, we made a pledge, and we repeat that pledge e_MG_6854very time we open Lodge: to help the widows of Master Masons.”

Bro. Sonny got to work and created a committee to organize the first annual Wives and Widows Appreciation Banquet, which was held on Feb. 21, 2015 in the library at the Lee Lockwood Scottish Rite Library and Museum. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of Masonic Widow’s pins to all widows present. Says Sonny, “This is just our way of saying that we will be there for them. One of the widows said to me that this is the first Masonic function she has been to since her husband died in 1972. We need to do a better job of reaching out to these ladies.” The committee also consists of Elaine Parker, Barbara Santos, and Jim and Debs Herold.

_MG_6886The program has continued with ice cream socials and game days. At a recent event, a taco and fajita buffet was served, with game playing afterward, and attendees brought dominoes, cards, and their favorite games. Connections have also been made with area Lodges, OES Chapters, and Job’s Daughters to provide one-on-one help assist ladies in various ways, including obtaining a recliner for back surgery patient, performing light handyman duties, and taking care of yard work.

“Our goal is to make these ladies feel like they are part of Masonry,” continued Sonny. “Right now we are organizing the events, but eventually we would like our committee to serve in a steering capacity and help the ladies organize their own functions.” To that end, a second banquet is being planned for the spring of 2016.

Please check our calendar for the next event, or contact Elaine Parker at twincam4647@yahoo.com (phone: 254-713-4847) for more information.

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