Weekly Update for Dec 14

Here are your announcements for the coming week:

The Waco Scottish Rite Bodies and Lee Lockwood Library and Museum offices will be closed from noon December 18, 2020 through January 4, 2021.

The next Waco Scottish Rite Stated Meeting will be January 4 at 7:30pm. This will be an Open Meeting and Candidate Forum for the Grand Lodge of Texas officers who are running this year. There will be a meal at 6:30pm in the Library. Please RSVP by December 30 if you plan to attend. COVID-19 guidelines will be in effect, so please bring a mask for the meeting.

The February 1st Stated Meeting will be a “catch-up meeting, where all missed business over the last few months (budgets, new and old business, etc) will be discussed. More information to come.

Reminder: per the SGIG, meals can once again be served. We are required to follow all Covid-19 food guidelines.

2021 Reunions:

Saturday, March 27, 2021, Ballinger Masonic Lodge, 500 N. Broadway, Ballinger, TX
Saturday, May 15, 2021, Lee Lockwood Library & Museum, 2801 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX
Saturday, October 2, 2021, Clinton Masonic Lodge 477 Loop 571, Henderson, TX

Waco Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation

The Waco Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation has a Community Grant Program available. These grants are for any Scottish Rite Club, Lodge of Perfection, Masonic Lodge, or Eastern Star Chapter(s) community projects. If any of these organizations raise money for a community project (a project that helps those in a community) the WSRCF will match up to $2,500.

For any questions, please contact Mike Waldrop, 33° IGH:

(254) 752-1618 or (254) 640-9500
