Saturday, October 7, 2022 Click here to view photos of this reunion! Lee Lockwood Library and Museum: 2801 W Waco Dr, Waco, Texas 76707 Registration at 8:00am and will conclude at 4:00pm You will receive a Scottish Rite Cap ($50.00), a 14th Degree ring...
2020-05-19 COVID-19 Amended General Directives The Supreme Council MOTHER COUNCIL OF THE WORLD OF THE THIRTY-THIRD AND LAST DEGREE Michael L. Wiggins, 33o Sovereign Grand Inspector General In Texas ORIENT OF TEXAS Emergency Directives For Distribution UPDATED – 19 May...
The following Covid-19 directive is from the SGIG, Ill.: Michael Wiggins: Brethren: I trust each of you and your families are well and healthy as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. These are definitely trying times for our society in general and our...
During these times I ponder the phrase, “in this our dilemma, what shall we do?” As Scottish Rite Masons, I encourage us all to be true to our obligations, living in the light of our personal faiths and remaining engaged in our communities. While COVID-19 has brought...
2020-3-23-COVID-19-Amended-General-DirectivesDownload The following is from Ill. Michael Wiggins, SGIG for Texas: Please read the directive linked above as an amendment to the directives that we issued last Monday. I have made the decision to cancel all Scottish Rite...