Waco Valley’s first reunion of 2021 was held in Ballinger, TX on Saturday, March 27 with six new Master Masons elevated to the 32°.
Thanks goes to Ballinger Ancillary Lodge of Perfection for hosting the event, and to Rick Trogdon, 33° IGH for serving as Reunion Master. We also would like to thank Mike Waldrop, 33° IGH for extending his, and Waco Valley’s, continued support, and to Jim Rumsey, 33° IGH for bringing his knowledge and insights to our Brethren.
As a reminder, the next reunion is scheduled for May 15, 2021 in Waco, TX:
Lee Lockwood Library & Museum: 2801 W. Waco Drive, Waco, Texas 76707
Registration at 8:00am and will conclude at 4:00pm
For any questions, please contact Mike Waldrop, 33° IGH: