-Our December Stated Meeting is this evening. The meal starts at 6:30 with the meeting to follow with election of officers.
-No more 4th Saturday breakfast until after the first of the year.
-January meeting will be installation of officers and candidate forum for those running for the Grand South of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, and will take place on January 7, 2019.
-Next reunion will be April 12 & 13, 2019.
-There will be no Golf in the month of December.
-The Waco Scottish Rite Bodies and the Lee Lockwood Library and Museum will be closed for the Christmas Holiday from December 20 to January 2.
-The 3rd Monday of every month is Scottish Rite degree practice. The 6° practice will be held on December 17th with dinner being served at 6 PM and the degree to follow. We are asking that anyone who is interested in behind the scenes work (sound, lighting, prop work, ect) to come to the practice.
-We are slowly working our way towards the 50th Anniversary. The first of two major events called Robert Burns Night will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2019. More information will be coming soon so please stay tuned. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information on the 50th Anniversary please contact either:
Myself (
Casey Stanislaw (
Brenda Light (
Stan Parker (
Sonny Juarez ( )
You can also keep an eye on our Facebook for more info
-Also feel free to email me with events or announcements I miss each week.
Have a great week,
Sam Moody |