We have a few announcements this week.
-First off thank you to everyone who participated in this past weekends reunion. It was our first 1 day reunion and though there were a few hiccups, it was an overall success. So thank you again! The next reunion will be a usual 2 day on April 12-13, 2019
–We have suspended the 4th Saturday breakfast until the beginning of next year.
-November 5th will be our Night of Recognition where we will be presenting the Stephen F. Austin and Abner McCall Awards, as well as 25 & 50 Year Service Awards. It will begin with a catered and served meal at 6:30 pm at $35.00 person. Family and guests are invited with a coat, tie, and SR cap (if applicable) for men, and Sunday attire for Ladies. Please RSVP by Fri, Oct 26, by emailing or calling (254) 752-1618.
-We have begun planning for the 50th Anniversary of the Lee Lockwood Library and Museum next year. We have 2 major events planned so far, a Robert Burns Night in January and a 50th Anniversary Gala in September. More information to come as we inch closer. If you are interested in helping please contact us here at the Scottish Rite.
-Our annual Halloween festival “Fright Night at the Rite” is next Fri-Sat. We are in need of volunteers for both nights so please come out and help support the Library and Museum. Visit our Facebook at for more information.
Have a great week!!